

TrailBreakers Volume I

by Rod Perry

Paperback 520pp

$24.95 Now Available

TrailBreakers Volume II

by Rod Perry

Paperback 350pp

$19.95 Now Available

Meet Strider in Anchorage

Google Photo Arts by Janna to get a look at my magazine cover boy Strider.
Who can resist such a beautiful dog?
Strider, the renowned malamute, is set to represent both the Iditarod and the Anchorage Mushing District to the summer visitors of Anchorage. Positioned at the city’s busiest non-food kiosk, Strider is expected to draw thousands of visitors to our Iditarod Central – Anchorage Mushing District Historical Interpreter kiosk located at Fourth Avenue and E. Street.

Never-Told Tales of the First Iditarod Race

Now Available, Order Today!


 . . . Sixty-eight rich men on the steamer Portland arrive in Seattle with stacks of yellow metal!” screams headlines of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.  A continent primed to catch gold fever is inflamed.  The great rush to the fabled Klondike is on!  Dawson booms to become the largest Canadian city west of Winnipeg!”

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